Staining – by hand
- Staining can be done by hand with cotton pad, brush.
- Staining can be done at raw stage as well as after 1 st coat sealer sanding, after 2 nd coat sealer sanding by hand application.
- Both type of stains like water based and solvent based stain also can be applied by hand applications.
Staining – by spray
- Staining can be done by spray with conventional spray gun, HVLP spray gun or airless air assisted spray guns.
- Staining can be done at raw stage as well as after 1 st coat sealer sanding, after 2 nd coat sealer sanding even stain can be added top coat to match the colour tone, in by spray application.
- Both type of stains like water based and solvent based stain also can be applied by spray applications.
Wood Staining on Raw Veneer by cotton cloth
Staining on Raw wood by Brush
Wood Staining after sealer sanding before top coat by Cotton cloth
Wood Shading after sealer sanding before top coat by spray
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